NOJA Power

Тематическая Публикация

Опубликовано 11/2023

Case Study – Improving Electricity Network Reliability in Sweden

NOJA Power OSM15 and RC-10 in Sweden

Ljusdal Energi in Sweden service a technically challenging network environment, distributing electricity through forested regions that accumulate over a metre of snow every year.

Despite the adverse environment, Ljusdal Energi have implemented a smart grid overhead distribution network using NOJA Power OSM Reclosers, improving their network outages from hours to seconds.

In this case study, NOJA Power’s Hannah Kneubuhler speaks with Michael Halvarsson, Head of Electricity at Ljusdal Energi. Michael shares his experience of implementing a smart grid.

Michael shares his application experience with OSM Reclosers, along with future applications they have in mind for the system.

“We have been partnering with Techinova in Sweden for approaching 2 decades to supply our leading edge technology to Sweden,” says NOJA Power Group Managing Director Neil O'Sullivan.

“Techinova value adds with their remote control and SCADA capability and this is a great example of the benefits our products can deliver.”
Download Case Study

NOJA Power have OSM Recloser products in service in 105 countries worldwide. For more information, visit or contact your local NOJA Power distributor.

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